Whistling as he deflates kisses. Spitting on the moon. Giving birth like a gypsy curse.
All that made Mario the day in the Employment Office, said he was wrong love.
- Do you want to bet that right here? Tan
determination in his eyes and his fists on the table the poor bald officer, squeezing his ass in his chair, only one dared to answer, with a trickle of voice
- No, thanks.
Never, ever on life, even in his worst nightmares, someone told him the opposite Mario wonderful after make love ever. Even that idiot that every morning, at work, reminding him that touched noses had been late.
is neither a child, at school, Miss never said anything . On the contrary, all the girls came home eating a snack of muffins and chocolate and telling their mothers how well they had done Mario's love child that evening, that even Miss Amalia had escaped a few tears.
Why, then, I say now?
In fact, until midnight telephone that he was asking the data to be removed from the phone line ended up congratulating him on how well they had made love on the phone.
Moreover, at 85, at a conference for 540 people in the theater gave Mario Reina Victoria, until the pointer out of his shell to say, with tears in her eyes that no one had ever made love like him in that theater.
By God But if, as a child, his grandmother took him a little sailor dress that will make love to all people and grandmothers were all dazzled with him that it wanted to eat!
balls so now I dare to say it was wrong to love!
When Mario came home, Elena, his wife, then he noticed something odd and asked
- What happened to you, my life?
Sitting at the round table, Mario told him before sinking head in his hands.
her, aghast, sat him on the table and said:
- But how will that be true, my life? Let's see, do it to me to tell you.
And then Mario began:
- I love you I love you as much as if my laughter lived in the shoe box in your soul, and no clock, no appetite in the hands, bones in the feet I'm to watch you sleep, like petting a blind desire, simply, I love you.
And in the end, Elena, his wife, rose from the table and kissed him:
- Honey, do not acknowledge anyone love you keep doing wonderfully.
Text: Álvaro García Hernández.
Illustration: Alberto Montt.