Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Long To Dissolve A Hematoma


Konzerte für Klavier und Klarinette
Zürcher Kammerorchester
Kit Armstrong - Klavier
Paul Meyer - Klarinette und Leitung
Alte Oper Frankfurt 04.11.2010

went to the Alte Oper to see a concert of Bach. The Alte Oper was left in ruins during the war, with reconstruction transformed it into a concert hall. That is, there is no opera in that building.

Needless to say that the best of the program were the Bach piano concertos (BWV 1055 and 1058), but had not registered before the event. The other highlight was the Symphony No. 5 Schubert. Other works completed under the program.

was quite surprising to discover that the pianist is a kid of 18 years is looking oriental, but an American, and apparently is the full combo kid prodigy who at age ten finished high school, etc. The truth that was good. While also writing, I can not say that I particularly liked the work of him that was released as part of the program.

The Zurich Chamber Orchestra directed by Paul Meyer conducted the program. Meyer also played the clarinet in the piece premiered in Armstrong.

Albert Roussel - Sinfonietta op. 52 Johann Sebastian Bach
- Klavierkonzert A-Dur BWV 1055
Kit Armstrong - "Toccata" für Klarinette und Orchester Johann Sebastian Bach
- Klavierkonzert g-Moll BWV 1058 Franz Schubert Sinfonie
- 5 B-Dur Nr

Paul Meyer

Kit Armstrong


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