Titisee Photos February '11
Pattern Recognition William Gibson
But really expected something more in line with the cyberpunk of "Neuromancer" was an entertaining read and not much more. The plot does not escape the clichés of novels search / mystery, however I liked the cast of supporting characters. Also the background on the compulsion to find meaning in random elements or facts.
Parkaboy historical has labeled attachment # 135. One hundred and thirty-four fragments Previously Known - of what? A work in progress? Something completed years ago, and meted out now, for some reason, in these snippets?
She hasn't gone to the forum. Spoilers. She wants each new fragment to impact as cleanly as possible.
Apophenia, the spontaneous perception of connections and meaningfulness in unrelated things.(...)
What if the sense of nascent meaning they all percieve in the footage is simply that: an illusion of meaningfulness, faulty pattern recognition?
Jorge Luis Borges
Me resultó un poco excessive detail fantasies academicians of the first part. Moreover Ficciones Borges gives us the issues, time, Maze, infinite, identities across etc.., In all its glory.
* I. The Garden of Forking Paths
Tlön, Uqbar Orbis Tertius
Almotásim Approaching
Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote The Circular Ruins
The Lottery in Babylon
anyone tried a reform: interpolation a few bad luck in the census of favorable numbers. Through this reform, numbered rectangles buyers were at the mercy of winning double sum and pay a substantial fine sometimes. This slight danger (...) woke naturally, the public interest. The Babylonians were delivered to the game. Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain
The Library of Babel
The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite and perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries, with vast air shafts between, surrounded by very low railings. From any hexagon, are the upper and lower floors, interminably. The Garden of Forking Paths
* II.
devices Funes the memoirist
Nineteen years who had lived as a dream: he looked without seeing, hear without hearing, forgetting everything, almost everything. As he fell, lost consciousness and when he recovered, the present was almost intolerable so rich and clear, and also the older memories and more trivial. A little later he was crippled. This fact scarcely interested him. He reasoned (or felt) that immobility was a minimum price. Now his perception and his memory were infallible. The shape of the sword
not what time would be when I realized that I was drunk, not inspiration or what exultation which made me mention the scar (...)
"I'll tell the story of my wound on one condition: not to mitigate any shame, any fact infamy. Theme of the Traitor and the Hero
Death and the Compass
Lönnrot is true that Erik did not prevent the ultimate crime, but it is indisputable that foresaw. Nor guessed the identity of the infamous murderer of Yarmolinsky, but the morphology of the evil secret number (...) Lönnrot thought a pure reasoner, an Auguste Dupin, but something of an adventurer in him and even gambler. The Secret Miracle
The librarian asked sunglasses Find: Hladik replied, I seek God. The librarian said, God is in aAs of the letters of one of the pages of one of the four hundred thousand volumes of the Clementine. My parents and parents of my parents have looked for that letter, I have gone blind searching. Three Versions of Judas
End Sect of the Phoenix
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