To find better places to see the sky I looked maps of light pollution ... I figured that ought to have, and there are ! Also found brotlos classification, which I found very practical. Add search with google maps to find some clear also accessible by car (there is little point going to the telescope if it is full of trees). So I ended up finding a place in the hills of the Taunus area, about 55km from home. Friday night was appropriate to try his luck, served to complete the picture a bit as seen in winter in January . While still cold (wearing a poncho me back to the core), it appears that remained above zero a couple of degrees, because I never have problems with the optics.
Obergladbach, Hessen
50 ° 5'10 .52 "N 8 ° 0'51
.52" E

Friday, March 4, 2011 - 20:00 22 : 30HS
Sky condition:
new moon, cloudless sky Class 4 (transition suburban / rural)
I arrived and spent the evening with minimal light still like to settle, taking into account that thing to see on google maps and another to get there. Luckily I found him well and was what I expected ... upper part of the hills and clear. East on the horizon was still quite bright on the horizon, but much darker to the west. But still could not appreciate much the Milky Way, for example, be difficult to find a better place without going much further.
winter addition to the highlights, and others already mentioned in previous posts, this was new:
"The photos are not mine are linked-
* Jupiter is not" new "but was possibly last visit of the season, each time is closer to the horizon at sunset.

* Sigma Orionis:
A / B: Mag 3.8, white
C: Mag 10.0, White - Spacing: 11 "A
D: Mag 7.2, Red - Separation: 13 "A
E: Mag 6.5, blue - Separation: 42" A
* M35: Open Cluster
that is about 3000 light years, with a diameter of 30 light years away in the constellation Gemini
* M1, Crab Nebula: the figurine difficult night. With magnitude 8.4 and size 420 "× 290" was a risky bet for a class 4 sky. The story only located as knowing where I was, I barely managed to guess her presence near, yes, after a good effort, was at least confident enough to be looking in the right place.
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