Describirte es como ir quitándole nata a un pastel para buscarle el hueso, puesto que cualquier detalle que de ti digo será diminuto comparado con el infinito que me dejo.
- ¿Por qué me dijiste que me echabas de menos?
- I do not understand.
- The message. Why if you sent me was a lie?
- I did not sent you anything, but would not have been lying. I missed you.
- Then why do not you send me a message.
- You say yes I sent you.
- But I missed?
- Yes
In the vast majority of great moments in our lives, hopefully, we'll no words, and if there is not, say anything stupid that will never to remind.
- I cut hair, do you like?
- Yes I've cut this afternoon feet. nails-in the precise moment that Marta said her mouth, his brain was already thinking that the earth swallowed.
- Do wore very long?
eyebrows together and putting up as face thinking
- No, but I always cut them and my mother was the first time I cut them myself.
- Ah. I cut my grandma in the bathtub, then when Blanquita and soft.
- Have you ever rolled with Vera?
- No.
- Ah. And now, do you have nail scissors for all internal or each his own?
- Well ... I do not know, I clapped my grandmother's house.
- Ah.
- Have you got something in the bag?
- No.
- What have you done this week then?
- What the backpack.
- What is it?
- Nothing. "The bike is yours?
- Well, yes. I think it was my grandfather or my uncle, has always been in the garage of my house.
- I did not know you did not know cycling.
- not my mother cut my nails ... Yes, I am full of surprises.
- Do you really want to learn?
- Yes, before I die I want to do at least one of the things that I signed.
- What things?
- Things.
- Ah.
- But yes she wants to roll with you.
- Vera? I do not know. Sometimes I think yes, others think it's crazy, sometimes I feel sorry for me further down into the room in pajamas and want to get to sleep ...
- You should not have said that last, without it, fine, but the latter has hurt a lot.
- Why not me?
- It's okay, I understand you had wanted to tell someone, but just to me was the last person to ...
- Sorry I have not done on purpose. Further, that ...
- Leave the subject, let it.
- Vale ... Hey, what about fish? Are you still alive?
- Yes, in a bowl. I put my name, call Engel.
- something a little weird, right?
- No, means angel in Norwegian, I think ... Anyway, I call it in different ways when I'm mad at you ... zorromostro ... bulb ... Topaz ... like orange ...
- Ah ... Y. .. What else you sign up you wanted to do before you die?
- Well ... I do not know: to learn to ride a bike, sleeping on a train, visiting Paris, sunrise on a beach, my first kiss, driving without a license, traveling to India, learn to swim ...
- Do not you swim?
- No. overprotective mother.
- Y. ..
- So what?
- That I was thinking ...
- What is that?
- Does it? Roles, the roles that I loved teaching the other day.
- How? Are you always with these papers? You're crazy.
- No, but that's what I told you, I was investigating. If you could tell me ... I mean ... is a possibility of autologous marrow ...
- Pablo, leave, please.
- but only to know if ...
- Leave it, leave it, leave.
- Okay.
- I still do not understand, no? Look, I myself know these documents by heart, of course I know that leukemia can be cured with chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. But anyone absolutely nobody in my family is compatible with me, so that for once you find out, if you start chemotherapy, I'm going to spend your life poisoned, that's the chemo! Poison the whole body in order to weaken the cancer! But leukemia is not weakened my y. .. more ... I have no possibility of donor. Do you understand? My life would be poisoned! I do not want to live like this! Do you understand? And I come back to ask one last time, if you really love me, stop me to keep on not dying.
- What if I offered as a marrow donor?
- You are a fool. Do not listen. I told you once, when I fell in love with you I was looking for a hero .- The words that do most harm are not what we thought last night, are leaking and would like to shoot a clay pigeon shooting to kill.
- Marta, there are limits to the cruelty that I did not even know. And you know what's the worst? The worst thing was not spy on each evening to see if you looked out the window of your home, the worst would not put up with Vera has been laughing at you, not the worst by far has been to follow the hallways of the school, not the worst has been the hours I I spent this afternoon hidden there like an idiot just to see, the worst has been to discover that you yourself are your own worst victim.
- Fuck!
- Marta, leukemia is an excuse. You could cure if you want. As it was seeking an excuse for me to die with you. You just want to give sentence. And you get it. Here goes perfect. In fact, given me so much that I had to get away from you to see if you react. But you're too proud to admit it. Hear me! Your problem is that! That you go! You run away! THAT DO NOT YOU DARE TO LIVE! HEAR ME!
Twenty minutes later, Paul finally reach the door of the townhouse Marta, carefully parked the bike that was left when she was running, with care because she knows that, like a turtle in a glass of water, peering from his window is off. So, Paul, before you leave, you leave the gift he had hit the football field if that had gone differently, he has taken from his backpack, is a little big, Marta distinguish costs, he left in the wall of the door, under the streetlight round:
the vase is glued to pieces that she stamped once in the head.
And goes. Leaving the lights on in her room looking at a vase is broken and an old bicycle.
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