We tend to believe that the problems be solved if we resist. We tend to distort reality so that it looks for happiness, but do not want to see, we dare not open their eyes and see that we are looking at the navel nude quixotic.
Lucia's mother did not tell anyone about his daughter, found a car local police patrol with symptoms of hypothermia and shock. Marta's mother, nurse, itself was on duty that night when the ambulance came to Lucia unconscious, searched his belongings and found him not moving, so he went to the locker and called herself with his mother to warn her and reassure her. But Lucia's mother, once in the hospital and now with "the girl" conscious in the room, asked Marta's mother not to tell anything to your daughter, please. Which meant that Lucy was going to spend those days in the hospital alone.
When Paul arrived at the residence with his wet bathing suit and white towel in the backpack, he met Nacho, educator, waiting in reception, not even said good night:
- I do not know what is happening here, but I assure you I will find out. I do not know what you carry in hand but I assure you I'll know. Vera is in my office, I do not know why, but I want to talk to you before I do it. I do not care what you speak, Paul, I assure you this will not be so.
Obviously, Paul did not understand anything and Nacho goes to the office to close the door behind him and be alone with Vera in a room full of shelves, a cabinet, a stereo and a corner couch many nights sleeping on duty educator.
- How to Marta in the pool?
- Well, what happens?
- Spend it was you who stole my Iphone and I've left it on and what you have discovered in your room, it happens.
- What? What are you going?
- What what I ... (At this point, Vera, as she answers, takes his famous mobile and shows him a sms that she had just written: "The mobile lh I xra exarte scondido fault, they think you've stolen q t vn not to believe. If you HACS q I want to leave n tell SM class and you've brought your dvolvermlo xra .")... I that I have stolen the Iphone and was on your desktop and you have caught because you've left it on. Moron.
- WHAT!? You're crazy !...( Paul rejects write a reply message to Vera in the mobile as she is offering and comply with planting the finger in front of her face spread into clear signal to disagree) ... I have not stolen anything.
- But how can you say ... (Vera will give the iPhone again with another message: S your last chance, if you say it was q xra devolvermlo t saved, if m vuelvs to take finger l, m Nacho punched and sent to a reformatory t x thief and pegarm) ... that!
Paul is looking into the eyes of Vera, try to recognize them as the girl who spent nights in her room laughing and telling life in pajamas, but only see two deep black holes that swallow love him, hate, hate both who understands that is capable of anything. Wrong, nods.
Vera smiles and gestures indicated by read aloud his alibi.
- The mobile phone I found him in high school, I dress to give it, how you going to remove the phone! "All this following the instructions that Vera tells him to hear after sitting next to him with happiness. Immediately, jump across the couch and Nacho, which, of course, had been listening with his ear to the door suddenly opens and seems convinced that he has been a mistake. It is logical, if the lie will give us more problems than the truth, before we will believe the lie and even convince ourselves of it.
Once in his room, sitting in bed thinking that there is no problem, ...
Paul receives two SMS practically followed.
From Marta: "It was the tard d mjor my life. Thanks. TQ :-)"
De Vera " Tomorrow m comprarm accompany clothes. "
And what is worse, Paul still thinks that whole night something will happen and the world will be fixed sleeping ...
continued ...
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