Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Sayings Twins

TQMC? 34

Marta there anything that pushes the pain, not the circumstances, is it alone in a continuous search reason to understand his bitterness. In fact, Paul came close to that bitterness, and she knocked him out of his hand. For Marta is comfortable knowing he has reasons for that constant depression, which destroys it is to sweep these reasons, stripping everything and look in the mirror is terrified because the bitterness might be herself and do not need reasons. Therefore, for this complex that is comfortable with the status of ongoing reasons to mourn, so perhaps it does nothing about it and you still see the days go by while Paul was away from her, is becoming, class to class in a stranger.

is one that has changed, in fact, even he acknowledges, as a vampire in the sun, it just feels the same when it gets dark, when locked in his room and talking to understand what is happening. It notes, goes over his behavior during the day and the acts of a bad actor who wants to leave the series. Sometimes it feels as if another body I wore a suit and take him to school, and dragged him behind Vera aisles while he, the real Paul is only master of his thoughts that tell you that life is not yours who does not want to be that person.

But it is certainly not hay ningún clavo ardiendo al que aferrarse. No hay nadie que le diga qué es lo correcto o qué camino era el suyo ahora que anda perdido. Ni siquiera es que esté cambiando, que las circunstancias le hagan crecer. Tan sólo es eso, que no hay nadie más a quien hacer caso en su vida, nadie que le diga cómo era él antes, aparte de Vera. 

Por eso ambos no duermen, por eso se miran como si no se vieran, por eso, esta mañana, Marta pasó a su lado y le rozó la mano y él alcanza en el cruce casual a rozar los dedos que hubiera querido coger para detenerla y decirle no solo que la echa de menos, eso ella ya lo sabe y le sirve, sino he misses the boy who still loves her.

At that time the teacher asks everyone to sit, will begin the class, poor man, does not understand that their students are living their lives to seconds as he keeps repeating the same class always on La Celestina.

- Marta! Finally awake. Marta. What if you want to do and Paul Melibea Callisto into a small representation of La Celestina we will do next week.

- Emm ... Do I have choice?

- No.

- Ah, then, okay.

- Okay, did you volunteer for the roles of Areusa and Elicia?

- Celestina as I interpret them, so, if you leave now is the time. Have you volunteered to Areusa and Elicia?

- Yes, me.

- All right, Vera. What of the two you prefer?

- I do not care, that will stay with the boy.

- Vera, are you have heard me as he explained the plot of La Celestina?

- Yes, yes, of course.

- Very well, then, do not have any problem in playing Areusa Elicia or not?

- No, no. The one you want.

Marta, while smiling on the inside, also believes catch him a little smile that escapes the Castilian teacher when turned to the blackboard. She sure was read La Celestina in the hospital, both know what the profession will have to play Vera ...


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