December '10
The Man in the High Castle Philip K.
Dick [1962]
The Man in the High Castle leads to a different timeline in which the Axis won World War II, and the U.S. are occupied by Germany and Japan. It is the second book I read Dick because of some minor details, I really liked.
I know you, East Americans, she Thought. You like the big time. Dreaming big your schemes. This is just the sticks to you, the Rockies. Nothing has Happened Since here (...) Before the war and all the smart boys Have flocked east to New York, crossed the border Legally or illegally. Because, she thought, that's where the money is, the big industrial money. The expansion. German investment has done a lot
This is an interval, ein Augenblick . The cosmic process is hurring on, crushing life back into the granite and methane; the wheel turns for all life. It is all temporary. And these - these madmen - respond to the granite, the dust, the longing of the inanimate; they want to aid Natur .
And the I Ching, when Mr Tagomi had consulted it, had fortified his insight (...) Mr Baynes was not what he seemed; that his atual purpose in coming to San Francisco was not to sign a deal Moulds for injection. That in fact-, Mr Baynes Was a spy.
The conqueror
Federico Andahazi
I am somewhat saturated with stories of unlikely heroes and their magical journeys of "self-improvement." This hits the post. The story had potential for more, but Andahazi stagnant with very simple characters and narratives to tie sloppy history. On the other hand it is not unreadable, until it is even entertaining in several sections. Now ... thence to a prize (Planeta, or whatever ...) there is a stretch not as crowded.
What follows is the chronicle of the times when the world had the unique opportunity to be otherwise. Then maybe they had not reign wickedness, cruelty, humiliation and extermination. Or maybe just the roles had been reversed between winners and losers. But that does not matter.
The priests began the ritual dance before the crowd gathered around the ceremonial center, cheering, shouting the name of the God of War. Finally the child sat down on the polished surface and one of the priests raised his arm wielding the knife sharp.
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